I am currently a postdoc at University of California, San Diego. I work with the Picasso Lab under the supervision of Prof. Yufei Ding. I received my Ph.D. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. My research focused on improving the efficiency of machine learning systems through the algorithm, architecture, and their co-design.
Email: chandler_guan at fuji dot waseda dot jp
Model Compression *Fractal, Transkimmer, Block-Skim*
Deep Learning Compiler
Machine Learning Accelerator
📚 Google Scholar 📚 DBLP 📚 ORCiD
[MLSys25] FastTree: Optimizing Attention Kernel and Runtime for Tree-Structured LLM Inference Zaifeng Pan, Yitong Ding, Yue Guan, Zheng Wang, Zhongkai Yu, Xulong Tang, Yida Wang, Yufei Ding
[HPCA25] MANT: Efficient Low-bit Group Quantization for LLMs via Mathematically Adaptive Numerical Type **Weiming Hu, Haoyan Zhang, Cong Guo, Yu Feng, Renyang Guan, Zhendong Hua, Zihan Liu, Yue Guan, Minyi Guo, Jingwen Leng
[HPCA25] VQ-LLM: High-performance Code Generation for Vector Quantization Augmented LLM Inference **Zihan Liu, Xinhao Luo, Junxian Guo, Wentao Ni, Yangjie Zhou, Yue Guan, Cong Guo, Weihao Cui, Yu Feng, Mingyi Guo, Yuhao Zhu, Minjia Zhang, Jingwen Leng, Chen Jin
[ASPLOS24] Fractal: Joint Multi-Level Sparse Pattern Tuning of Accuracy and Performance for DNN Pruning
Yue Guan, Changming Yu, Yangjie Zhou, Jingwen Leng, Chao Li, Minyi Guo